coreblocks.cache package
coreblocks.cache.icache module
- class coreblocks.cache.icache.ICache
A simple set-associative instruction cache.
The replacement policy is a pseudo random scheme. Every time a line is trashed, we select the next way we write to (we keep one global counter for selecting the next way).
Refilling a cache line is abstracted away from this module. ICache module needs two methods from the refiller refiller_start, which is called whenever we need to refill a cache line. refiller_accept should be ready to be called whenever the refiller has another fetch block ready to be written to cache. refiller_accept should set last bit when either an error occurs or the transfer is over. After issuing last bit, refiller_accept shouldn’t be ready until the next transfer is started.
- __init__(layouts: ICacheLayouts, params: ICacheParameters, refiller: CacheRefillerInterface) None
- Parameters
- layoutsICacheLayouts
Instance of ICacheLayouts used to create cache methods.
- paramsICacheParameters
Instance of ICacheParameters with parameters which should be used to generate the cache.
- refiller_startMethod
A method with input layout ICacheLayouts.start_refill
- refiller_acceptMethod
A method with output layout ICacheLayouts.accept_refill
- deserialize_addr(raw_addr: Value) dict[str, amaranth.hdl._ast.Value]
- class coreblocks.cache.icache.ICacheBypass
- __init__(layouts: ICacheLayouts, params: ICacheParameters, bus_master: BusMasterInterface) None
coreblocks.cache.iface module
- class coreblocks.cache.iface.CacheInterface
Cache Interface.
- Parameters
- issue_reqMethod
A method that is used to issue a cache lookup request.
- accept_resMethod
A method that is used to accept the result of a cache lookup request.
- flushMethod
A method that is used to flush the whole cache.
- accept_res: Method
- flush: Method
- issue_req: Method
- class coreblocks.cache.iface.CacheRefillerInterface
Cache Refiller Interface.
- Parameters
- start_refillMethod
A method that is used to start a refill for a given cache line.
- accept_refillMethod
A method that is used to accept one fetch block from the requested cache line.
- accept_refill: Method
- start_refill: Method
coreblocks.cache.refiller module
- class coreblocks.cache.refiller.SimpleCommonBusCacheRefiller
- __init__(layouts: ICacheLayouts, params: ICacheParameters, bus_master: BusMasterInterface)